
(6/4)Palastine St.-New Maadi.

Working Hours

Sun-Thurs ; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Working and Learning From Home

Nowadays, given the current crisis that has emerged since the early beginning of 2020 we come across these terms on almost daily basis: “Working from home, distant learning, remote business and / or learning… Etc.” However, in order to protect ourselves, our families & our communities & societies, it’s now a must to get stuck to the legal & health care provisions.

Despite the serious concerns & undesirable impacts of working from home for a long time that was proved by scientific & practical researches or case studies, yet it was perceived to be helpful, as an intermittent break from the routine hectic office working days. Also, it’s highly recommended for colleagues with special medical conditions or family circumstances .

In order to grip the optimum benefits from the concept of “working & learning from home”, whether during the quarantine time or in general, here are some helpful tips to stay focused & productive:

  • 1- Wake up right at a fixed time: Ensure to train your biological clock to sleep & wake up at a certain time, giving your brain the chance to start up & shut down properly.
  • 2- Get dressed differently: Change your sleeping suit & get dressed differently, yet in a comfortable outfit that gives you the sense of freedom from the routine office formal ones.
  • 3- Designate an appropriate workplace: Work in a different room, other than the one you sleep in, or at least, never work in your bed or at the same place where you rest & sleep.
  • 4- Make a prioritized distinct working or learning list: Never mix your working list with your personal to do list & do not let the relaxed home spirit drag you to switch between.
  • 5- Take short breaks: Step away from your designated workplace between 5 to 15 min every hour, having short breaks to change your posture to stretch your muscles & refresh your mood.
  • 6- Take one long break: This could be between 30 min to a maximum of one hour, depending on your age, medical /health condition, nature of your work; whereas the aim here is to give your brain the chance to “log off” & then “restart” back again in a fresh mood.
  • 7- Eat Healthy & Play sports: Make sure to have healthy snacks during your break times & do not let the home spirit drag you to eat junk food. You may also exercise lightly during your break time(s) & devote at least one hour before or after your working day, to play sports.
  • 8- End your working day distinctly: End your working/learning day in a special way. This could be by adopting a certain habit to give your brain a clear message that the working day is over & it’s now time for personal life. Example: taking a shower, changing your clothes, get out for a walk, play sports…etc.

Now let’s start working & learning in a fresh, focused & productive way. To know more about our tips, you are most welcomed to visit our pages & groups on Facebook, Linkedin & YouTube

Best Regards,

Nesrien Amien

Founder & Managing Director

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