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Sun-Thurs ; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


2nd Pill / Package CBA-Organization Structure & Internal Branding - HRD

What if we Imagine, just out of fantasy, that we are dealing with a living human being who has no skeletal muscular system & who is just hanging around us, as a piece of flesh with no definite shape, style or identified structure ! Well, this is exactly what we see when we deal with companies which does not possess a strong human resources management system.

We “Kaza Talent” have created the second Healing pill / service package, as one of the three main projects of the huge project, named “CBA-Business Management Solutions”. The Healing pill / package is designed to be a complete quick business therapy & cure to confront the organizational challenges of “Business Development & External Corporate Branding”, as focal areas of concern.

Organizations’ sickness in these focal areas is characterized by common organizations’ set of symptoms or pains that are diagnosed to be originating from the same root cause(s).

* Examples Of organizational set of symptoms & pains:

  • 1- Business opportunities are lost due to poor decision-making process.
  • 2- Thinking of downsizing, but don't know who to retain or let go, why & how.
  • 3- Despite increased sales volumes, yet profit Margin & ROI are the same or decreasing.
  • 4- Ongoing Cash leakage as a result of poor performance of employees.
  • 5- High employees turnover "especially highly skilled" + Very high costs of inefficient recruitment
  • 6- Increased customer dissatisfaction level
  • 7- Stakeholders are unable to view & monitor the organization and / or its environment.
  • 8- Overall corporate Performance “cannot be measured and / or developed objectively.
  • 9- Company Image is negatively affected among stakeholders.
  • 10- Current organizational structure doesn’t allow efficient business process or smooth communication.

* The Root Cause(s) of the above mentioned pain & set of symptoms:

  • 1- Lack of awareness & / or unavailability of a solid Strategic HR management system that determines how certain activities are directed & illustrated within a visualized realistic organization structure, in order to achieve organizational objectives.
  • 2- Job descriptions are either absent or do not reflect actual roles, responsibilities that employees actually perform in praxis, thus leading to inappropriate recruitment, attraction & retention of the required competent employees.
  • 3- Inefficient or absence of performance management system that sets a systematic approach to measure the performance of employees while aligning the organization's mission, vision & objectives.

If your organization is suffering some or all of these symptoms, now you know the root cause & it’s about time to get the cure from with Kaza Talent. Let us relieve your pain & boom with us.

* Watch Videos:

If you want to know more about the CBA-Organization Structure Development & Internal Corporate Branding Pill / Package, you are cordially invited to watch our 3rd video trailer & 3rd episode. You can also subscribe in Kaza Talent Youtube Channel to watch more videos about the CBA packages.

* Download a brief presentation:

Get an overview of the CBA-Business Management Solutions, with its three pills / packages, you are kindly invited click here

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Interested Customer companies are most welcomed to Click here to register with us for further communication.

Let your organization thrive with us.

Nesrien Amien

Founder & Managing Director

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