
(6/4)Palastine St.-New Maadi.

Working Hours

Sun-Thurs ; 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Benefits & Added Value Of CBA-Business Management Solutions

Before entering any new project or buying any new idea, business Leaders usually ask themselves and their reliable teams some questions. Examples: “what’s in it for me and for my people or team members? Who and how would companies/organizations benefit from CBA Business Management Solutions ?"

* Common benefits and value added to the customer’s organization?

  • 1- Enjoy high discounted rates for all CBA packages.
  • 2- Start with a certified training course/workshop for key players.
  • 3- All key players are awarded a certificate of practical project completion.
  • 4-Promote the overall market value & corporate image.
  • 5- Acquire both the scientific base & the practical know-how of tailored service deliverables.
  • 6- All deliverable outputs are co-created with the customer, tailored to meet his needs.
  • 7- Exposure to international best practices, with mutual exchange of experiences.
  • 8- Enjoy after-sales services as dedicated 48 Hours free consultation, over six months.

* Who shall benefit from CBA Pills / Packages?!

  • 1- Those who are suffering from painful signs of each set of symptoms.
  • 2- SMEs who are drastically affected by the current Business / Economic / Financial crisis.
  • 3- All organizations operating in Egypt the Middle East and were adopting growth strategy or at least long term stability, before the universal crisis.
  • 4- Organizations whose management team & key players are dedicated to develop their business as well as their own individual competencies.

You are cordially invited to know more about the general concept of CBA Business Management Solutions' pills/packages by watching Our First Video Trailer & Our First episode.

Let your organization thrive with us & Click here to register with us for further communication.

Nesrien Amien,

Founder & Managing Director

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